Wallaby Creek Music Festival

During late 2018, IZAK and finance Umalicious travelled approximately 4 hours north of Cairns City with their band Tinderbox to perform at Wallaby Creek Music Festival. They were scheduled to perform as a lead supporting act for Tiajana and Cartel, when at the last minute the bands were suddenly asked to headline the event!

They had applied several times to perform at the event, without success as there are many artists competing for the same spot, and competition to gain access is fierce.  It was a great surprise and honour to perform the opening of the festival on the mainstage on their first time attending. IZAK and Umalicious felt a taste of successful and stardom that they draw inspiration and motivation from until today.

The director of the event Sandra, commended very positively about their performance and the event remains a memorable milestone in their music careers.

Evolution of the Unicorn – COVID-19 Penthouse Party

On the 5th of June 2020 IZAK celebrated his 29th birthday year in style by publicly launching his new Psyche Fusion music album ‘Evolution of the Unicorn’ at a luxury penthouse apartment in Cairns City. The rooftop venue boasted fantastic scenic views of the surrounding mountains out the beaches, where the rainforest meets the reef. For many in attendance, the party was the first time they had experienced live music or any significant social gathering since mid-march when COVID-19 restrictions were put in place throughout Queensland. The colourful sunrise over the Coral Sea provided a visually stunning backdrop for IZAK as he performed his music for the lucky few. 

Funds raised on the night were used to purchase new equipment for IZAK’s Psyche Fusion Loop Station. A massive thank you to everybody who attended and particularly those who generously donated towards our crowdfunding campaign.

Please follow the link below to learn more:


Live streaming from studio apartment during COVID-19

The unprecedented home isolation period during Covid19 lockdown has inspired many musicians to commence live stream performances from the comfort of their homes. IZAK too started live-streaming his performances via social media with a positive response. Despite the challenges of a limited budget and aging equipment, we were able to reach viewing audiences of over 13.2k views, gaining hundreds of new followers to his page IZAK Scott music.

Japan tour - Kenta Hayashi

In late 2017, performing as Savidas artists Gumpy, IZAK and his fiancé Umalicious were invited to join local music inspiration Kenta Hayashi on tour in Japan. Kenta’s radical music style has been highly influential on IZAK and it was a great honour to tour and perform together with him. This was also IZAK's first international music tour and very exciting for him and all involved!

Kenta is a well-known in Japan and he drew a sizable audience to see him play live. His fans got more than they could have dreamed when Savidas and Kenta performed together for the first time and the tour is now one of the highlights of IZAK and Umalicious’s musical careers.